Cleaning house!
The guys are hard at work finishing the cobble driveway for the development, and giving all the homes a good cleaning. Its nice to see what is almost the finished product just 9 months after we started on site. We’ve put the CGI and real photo of the detached house below, haven’t managed to get […]
Update from Ludford Grove

With the second fix complete on the detached home (the kitchen is being tiled today), focus has moved to the semi’s where the first fix carpentry is now complete. The last set of scaffolding will be coming down next week, and we are still on track for completing the build in September.
Work Continues apace!

Work Rolls On! The recent fine weather has been a big boost. Windows are in the first pair of semi-detached homes, and with the roof on and solar panels installed the scaffolding was finally able to come down. Inside Number 3 (see photo below) the first fix is underway and will be completed in the […]
Ludford Grove update

Easter has come and gone but work continues apace, so here is a little update on what’s happening at Ludford Grove. We may release these homes for sale immediately, so if you’d like a chance to buy prior to the completion of construction, please call Jenny Fogarty in Savills New Homes at (01)6181300 or email […]
Making progress at Ludford Grove!

We’re making progress at Ludford Grove! In the last few days, the guys on site have managed to complete the roof of Number 1 which is clad in a beautiful Spanish slate. They’ve also added in the three Thermodynamic solar panels. These panels harness the Sun’s energy to help heat the water, dumping excess energy […]
New homes live on

Click here to go to the page Savills are now taking names for the 5 new homes at Ludford Grove, click the link above to be taken straight to Meanwhile, the windows in Number 1 were fitted yesterday, together with these great sliding doors that lead into the garden from the kitchen. It’s […]
Windows arrive at Ludford Grove

The first delivery of triple glazed, super therm windows arrived at Ludford Grove today to be fitted. Painted in cream to complement the brick, these windows look great as well as being super thermally efficient. The third pane of glass also reduces outside noise significantly, keeping sound out and heat in. By the end of […]