Cleaning house!
The guys are hard at work finishing the cobble driveway for the development, and giving all the homes a good cleaning. Its nice to see what is almost the finished product just 9 months after we started on site. We’ve put the CGI and real photo of the detached house below, haven’t managed to get […]
Kilmartin Planning Granted

Pleased to announce today that Fingal County Council have issued a grant of permission for the proposed development of 172 units at Kilmartin, Dublin 15. Kilmartin is located immediately north of Tyrrelstown. It is adjacent to the two new primary schools that recently opened, and close to the planned new secondary school which is due […]
Dublin buyers fed up with pent-up demand
From the Irish Times today: Dublin buyers fed up with pent-up demand We couldn’t agree more. Its time for more supply in the housing market. There is action central and local Government can take to speed up planning approvals & remove disincentives to developing current approvals (there are many). All of this can be done with […]